Application guidelines

Application guidelines

Deadline April 1st 2020

The application deadline have passed. It is no longer possible to apply for the Nordic Organ Competition.


How to apply

The competition is open to Nordic citizens who are born after January 1st 1987. The Nordic countries include: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Individuals who have lived in these said countries for a period of two years or longer are also eligible to apply. 

In the online application you provide personal information (name, address, phone number, email address) and you must include a musical curriculum vitae/short biography indicating artistic training. Applications must list in detail the works to be performed in the three rounds of the competition and you must upload or send us an audio or video recording for the qualifying round.


General criteria

  • The competitors will be notified of the result of the Qualifying round by 1st of June 2020 
  • At the end of August 2020 the organization will notify the participant of the rehearsal times for the Semi final round. 
  • For the Semi final and Final rounds, the order of sequence in which the competitors will rehearse and play, will be determined by casting lots prior to each round. 
  • The competition is “open”, which means the names of the competitors will be announced both to the jury and the audience prior to his/her performance. 
  • During the performances each candidate receives help to operate the registration sequencer as well as help with the page turning. 
  • The jury will make its decisions in meetings which are not open to the public. Such decisions are final and incontestable. 
  • The jury is entitled to dispense with awarding prizes or to split a prize. 
  • The organization may cancel the competition if the jury estimates the number of applications too low. 
  • The costs of travel and hotel for the participants will be paid by Norsk orgelfestival. 
  • The Semi final and the Final are open to the public. 
  • A work can only be performed once by the same candidate during the entire competition. 
  • It is strictly forbidden to make any kind of recordings during the Semi final or the Final round. Norsk orgelfestival is free to make video/sound recordings which they may publish on the web. 
  • No legal action can be taken. 
  • Each participant automatically accepts these conditions when applying. 
  • All items in the General rules may be subject to modification. 


Registration fee

The registration fee is NOK 600. The application is accepted when the registration fee has been received. In the event that the attendee withdraws his/her application the application fee will not be refunded. ​

We kindly ask for the free to be paid in full no later than 15th of April 2020 to the following bank account: 

Account name:  Stavanger kirkelige fellesråd 

Norwegian bank account no:  8160.05.49138 

Bank account IBAN:  NO4281.60.05.49138 

Bank code:  BIC DABNO22 

Comment:  Project 105 Nordic Organ Competition


Please forward any queries to​. 
